Saturday, August 15, 2009

Skunk Wa lAyan Lagu Per tah

Adeh... dah pagi bute, tapi mate ni tak ngantuk pun...Eh silap..ngantuk jer, tapi tak leh lak nk tido. Lam paler aku dok terbayang game PS2 jer..nak layan tapi tangan sakit lak. Dah la br pas layan main futsal. Letih bagai nak maut jer. Nasib ler tak maut lagi.

Aku pun tak tau per nk merepek ni, tajuk ats bkn main lagi, tapi aku merapu jer...So ni group aku minat skunk, Scars On Broadway...Layan la gak...

So pagi2 layan lagu nih ok gak, cam mental pun ade aku nih, dok ngadap PC..dak2 lain dah lama tido. Pasdon tido kat ruang tamu, layan citer thai sampai tertido. Apek lam bilik blakang, esok keje pagi latu. Bilik tgh der 2 org kot, aku pun tak g check..ije ngan pejal, bilik depan lak Wak dan n Kery. Aku kat port aku lah. Sensorang.

Tp time cam nih, ok gak..Privasi, leh wat per aku nk.Heh3..No porn movie lam pc aku, dah diharamkan pas asyik kena virus jer..Agagagagaga..

Serious..Tajuk Dier dan ni lirik dier


All it's all or nothing with your ego tripping
Everybody's looking for a Sunday mission
Ain't nobody searching for a second chance
I'm just looking for a new romance

And all it's all or nothing with your ego tripping
Everybody's looking for a Sunday mission
Ain't nobody searching for a second chance
I'm just looking for a new romance

Because you're too serious
You're gonna make me delirious
Because you're too serious for

Losing,losing,losing and I'm feeling lucent
Everybody's losing and there's no one choosing
Ain't nobody searching for a secong chance
I'm just looking for a new romance

Because you're too serious
You're gonna make me delirious
Because you're too serious for me

Because you're too serious
You're gonna make me delirious
Because you're too serious
You're gonna make me delirious
Because you're too serious for me

Pastu yang ni lak, tajuk dier Funny

Lirik Dier Lak


Funny, how you turned red
When I first said let's join the dead
Funny, I was driving by
Feeling really high, it made me cry

Funny,there were swastikas
On Santa Monica where they were scarred
Funny that no one said
That you were dead and painted red

Where do you go when you fall on your face?
It's a place that you never should you know
Is there a reason why people should change?
And they changing the way that they go

If I was there with you for long
Would you be singing me this song?
I'm holding on

Where do you go when you fall on your face?
It's a place that you never should you know
Is there a reason why people should change?
And they changing the way that they go

If I was there with you for long
Would you be singing me this song?
I'm holding on


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